How Banks & Credit Unions Can Win at Real-Time Payments with a Simple Solution

Banking & Fintech white paper

Becoming a Real-Time FI

Real-time payments are fast becoming a consumer expectation that financial institutions must meet. In this white paper from Paymentus and American Banker, get an inside look at how the right technology provider can help FIs modernize core banking systems with minimal impact.

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Download the White Paper to Learn:

The consumer use cases currently driving real-time payments adoption

The top benefits FIs can gain from tapping into the estimated 8.9 billion real-time transactions*

Key considerations FIs can use to evaluate technology partners

Take Advantage of the Real-Time Payments Opportunity

Real-time payments are forecast to grow from 1.8 billion transactions in 2022 to 8.9 billion in 2026.* Forward-thinking banks and credit unions can stake their claim–today–within their core banking platform. Contact us to see how Paymentus can deliver the technology solution to help your organization expand and scale its real-time payments capabilities.

*, 2022 Continues Strong Growth for Real-Time Payments